Saturday, October 07, 2006

Filter building Succes!!!!!

So....... today Hernan (Germán´s son), Alejandro, Janaki and I finally successfully demolded a functioning filter box. It isn´t perfect... a few chips missing on the outside surface, but I think it was good enough that even the folks at CAWST would have kept it. We have yet to fill it with sediment to really complete it (it is just a funky looking concrete box right now), but we did the hardest part, so we are pumped.

In other news... I was walking across a street today when a large truck drove past, dislodging a power line, which fell only a couple of feet behind me. It freaked me out a bit, cuz I don´t know how well insulated the wire was and it just didn´t quite seem safe to have power lines coming down around me.... ah the everyday adventures of Santa Cruz...

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